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Mor, the Ocean World: A realm of endless seas, where no solid landmass exists, just an unbroken expanse of deep,mysterious waters. 

Beneath the waves, the Mermaids and Mermen have built grand cities of coral and shimmering underwater architecture, where they live amidst vibrant marine life. 


Mor, the Ocean World, is a vast realm of endless seas, where no solid land exists, and life flows with the rhythm of the tides. At its heart lies a cultural divide between the sophisticated Mer Kingdoms and the nomadic Merrow Tribes. The Fae gifted the Mer with nature magic, allowing them to grow their coral cities and structures from the sea floor, shaping sand, plant life, and coral into shimmering wonders of underwater architecture. The Merrow, however, reject this way of life, seeing it as unnatural to root themselves to one place. They roam with the currents, embracing a wild and untamed existence, harboring a deep resentment for the Mer’s static civilization.  

In Mor, all creatures revere the ocean’s delicate balance, and harvesting from its ecosystem is seen as a violation of the natural order. War, as it is known on other worlds, does not exist here—conflict is limited to skirmishes and personal disputes. However, the fragile peace of Mor was shattered when colonists from the steam-powered world of Eth arrived. To the Ethans, Mor seemed like an endless ocean ripe with resources but devoid of intelligent life. They began constructing floating cities, harvesting fish and other marine life in massive quantities. This reckless exploitation disrupted Mor’s ecology, even destroying an entire Mer Kingdom, though the Ethans were oblivious to the devastation they had caused.  

The Merrow, perceiving the Ethans as malevolent invaders, launched brutal attacks on their floating colonies, resulting in significant loss of life. To the Ethans, the Merrow were nothing more than monstrous creatures from the depths, incapable of reason or intelligence. The Merrow, with their fierce and alien mindset, made no effort to communicate, and even the more diplomatic Mer were unable to comprehend the invaders' motives or means of communication.  

The escalating conflict was only halted when the Fae intervened, calling for all sides to resolve their differences at the Crossing of Worlds. This rare gathering offered a glimmer of hope for peace, though tensions between the Ethans and the Merfolk remain high. The Ethans view the Mer as strange representatives of a hostile ocean, while the Mer struggle to reconcile their anger with the need for diplomacy to preserve their world. Mor teeters on the brink of further chaos, with its delicate ecosystems and cultures caught in the crosscurrents of misunderstanding and survival.

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